iPad Database ID Scanner Survey with FileMaker Go

IDWedgeBT is compatible with FileMaker Go which is the mobile version of FileMaker.  FileMaker Go runs the desktop version of the FileMaker Database on the iPad / iPhone or iPod.  FileMaker is a pretty cool database program that lets you share data across the internet...

Google offers digital drivers license

In Google’s quest to add functionality to Google Wallet, they product managers announced plans for I.D. verification services.  Google Wallet currently lets users download electronic versions of various debit/credit cards plus loyalty cards/coupons and tickets. ...

Voter Drivers License Scanner

Voter Registration Drivers License Scanner June 2012 – In Black Hawk County, Waterloo Iowa, voters in the primary will be able to identify themselves to staff with a bar code ID Scanner.  Iowa recently added a 2D bar code to their Drivers License.  By scanning...
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