We’ve Moved to a New Office!

We’ve Moved to a New Office!

We’re happy to announce that we’ve moved to a brand new location, close by to our old address. As a business, we felt it was upgrade season and made the executive decision to move. As the company gets bigger, it’s only right that our office does as...
Custom IDentiFake Setup From Dirty Bull Tavern

Custom IDentiFake Setup From Dirty Bull Tavern

Our IDentiFake System + Passports comes with a Duplex Multi-Color Scanner and Full Page Passport Reader. With our installed IDentiFake software, we can also include a convenient Microsoft Surface Pro to complete the entire package. However, some of our customers have...
Fake ID Scanners – Truth or Myth?

Fake ID Scanners – Truth or Myth?

Does the person operating the ID scanner know what to look for? An ID card scanner displays and records the data stored on a driver’s license, state ID or military ID. While this can help a bouncer weed out expired IDs and underage IDs, it doesn’t...
ID Reader: A Broad Term

ID Reader: A Broad Term

Types of ID cards The term ID reader has many meanings. ID stands for Identification but there are many types of IDs such as driver’s licenses, student IDs, passports, national identification cards, medical insurance cards and membership cards. Each of these IDs...
5 Things to Consider When Buying an ID Scanner

5 Things to Consider When Buying an ID Scanner

When a bar, casino, liquor store or convenience store decides to purchase an ID scanner to verify customers’ age, they must take into account some important factors to make sure they get the right product at the right price. Often times, a business purchases the...
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